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The Labor Market in Cluj-Napoca - Antena 1 Interview

Transilvania IT Cluster

EN:The Labor Market in Cluj-Napoca - Antena 1 Interview

Bianca Muntean, Transilvania IT Cluster manager spoke in an interview given to Antena 1 television about the labor market in Cluj-Napoca.

Journalist Andreea Țopan, wanted to see what are the digital skills required on the labor market, what advice should fresh high school graduates consider and what are the jobs of the future.

Andreea Țopan, presenter of the Observator: „Cluj is one of the smart cities in Romania (..). Everything tends to become a computer. Starting with the phone and ending with the TV, the houses will soon be controlled by programmable controllers. Our children will have to live in a digital environment par excellence. And because yesterday we spoke with a human resources specialist who told us that we have to rely on digital skills if we want to keep up with the labor market. We find out what are the digital competencies that take us out of the crowd, from Bianca Muntean, manager of Transilvania IT, the strongest organization in the IT&C field in Romania. ”

Bianca Muntean, Transilvaia IT Cluster manager said: „We have been talking for a long time about the jobs of the future, and in this moment that has changed the world rapidly, this is exactly what we want to emphasize through the projects and approaches Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub and Transilvania IT Cluster - to offer know-how to companies, but at the same time we are together in this process of change through trainings, courses, experiments, prototyping. Let's teach them that digitization can improve employee performance and that human resources can be helped by performance technology. We encourage them to look to more developed countries but at the same time to produce local solutions, to innovate.”

You can watch the full interview HERE

RO: Bianca Muntean, manager Transilvania IT Cluster a vorbit în cadrul unui interviu acordat postului de televiziune Antena 1 despre piața muncii din Cluj-Napoca.

Jurnalista Andreea Țopan, prezentator Observator a vrut să vadă care sunt competențele digitale cerute pe piața muncii, ce sfaturi ar trebui să ia în considerare proaspeții absolvenți de liceu și care sunt joburile viitorului.

Andreea Țopan, prezentator Observator: „Clujul este unul dintre oraşele inteligente din România, sau cum se spune tot mai des, smart city. Totul tinde să devină un computer. Începând de la telefon și terminând cu televizorul, casele vor fi cât de curând controlate de automate programabile. Copiii noștri vor trebui să trăiască într-un mediu digital prin excelență. Şi pentru că ieri am vorbit cu un specialist în resurse umane care ne-a spus, că trebuie să mizăm pe competenţele digitale, dacă vrem să ţinem pasul cu piaţa muncii. Aflăm care sunt competenţele digitale care ne scot din mulţime, de la Bianca Muntean, manager Transilvania IT, cea mai puternică organizaţie din domeniul IT&C din România.”

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